Hello, I'm Christa.
Check out my resume page: Resume.
Here is my LinkedIn profile.
Here are my GitHub Repositories.
My Projects
- WildFlower by Cyberline, Inc. — Meet your people while finding your person... social networking and dating; Android Kotlin and iOS Swift with AWS Lambda (serverless, nodeJS) api backend
- Gram — Celebrating the life of my favorite centenarian; JavaScript, HMTL & CSS with message board (Firebase database backend)
- Industry Demo Site NEW! — Bootstrap styling with tooltips, popovers and video embedding; AWS CloudFront distribution
- My Breakfast Cafe Online Ordering System — Angular web framework, e-commerce fun, published via GitHub Pages
- MicroTrain Courses Today — CakePHP and MySQL combine to announce today's classes (press F11 on a desktop-size display)
- My CMS Blogging Site (currently offline for redesign) — LAMP Stack, PHP, MySQL and login authentication features, served up by an AWS EC2 Instance
- Daniel Rangel Photography — Photo Gallery — React web library, beautiful pictures, AWS S3 web hosting